Dream South D

Dream South D is a 5 year community led development project, to make South D an even better place to live, work, learn and play!

Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand have some amazing aerial mapping resources! I love zooming in to their maps
Would you like to host a Play Streets event on your street? Get in touch with Nikita at nikita@dreamsouthd.org.nz or 022
The very popular @southdstreetfestival is only a month away! They're looking for volunteers, performers and stall holder
We're so excited to announce that we'll be moving into our new office very soon! The space is currently being lovingly r
The Dream South D team have been really lucky to have been housed by Te Whānau Arohanui while our new office is a buildi
🌿🌳🌱 Ivan Johnstone from the Seniors Climate Action Network (SCAN) has created a lovely virtual tour of the bountiful Hea