
Yoga Teacher || Vinyasa · Yin || Female Health

I'm a certified Vinyasa and Yin yoga teacher based in Zug, Switzerland. The search for inner balance led me to my regular yoga practice. Yoga allows me to get out of my head and into my body. I teach with the aim of sharing with you the feeling of a deep connection with your body and helping you find your inner balance. I will guide you through Vinyasa yoga flows connecting the breath with the movement or invite you to find stillness and let go in Yin. My teaching style is functional, meaning that the pose (asana) should feel good in your unique body, no matter how it looks from the outside. I draw inspiration from nature and its natural cycles, and from thousands of years old wisdom and this knowledge I incorporate into my classes. I love music and like to use it in a meaningful and supportive way.
Female Health
I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) in my early 20s. Since then, I have been studying the female cycle and hormone system for my own purposes by reading books and attending various workshops. I am about to start a women's health training and look forward to sharing what I have learnt on this journey with other women by incorporating it into my yoga classes. I am passionate about supporting women on their journey finding back to hormonal balance, mastering the challenges of the menopause and feeling good in their bodies. I want to empower everyone to learn more about the female cycle and what it means to live in tune with it. As a starting point for your journey to more cycle awareness, I have created a cycle tracker with some questions in different lifestyle areas to ask yourself each day. Its weekly design honours the fact that not all women have a 28ish days long cycle. You can download the tracker below. I would love to hear of your experience with it 💌
Keep me in the loop
Ich teile News zu meinen Kursen und Angeboten oder was mich gerade so inspiriert in unregelmässigen Abständen.
A k z e p t a n z

Hinter dem Wort Akzeptanz steckt eine riesige Kraft. Sie unterscheidet sich von der passiven Toleranz
I‘m sure you‘ve heard of Yin & Yang before. Since I’m using the terms quite a lot and find them a fascinating concept, h
February Appreciation 🫶🏻🌙🌸✨

Normally I dread the months leading up to spring and only wish for the sun, warmth and upli
The start of 2024 in pictures ✨

1 | new morning routine 🫶🏻
2 | sun, mountains and snow 🤍
3 | practising and teaching he
Do you want to create inner balance in 2024? 🧘🏼‍♀️☯️✨
Then join me on the mat for weekly Yang to Yin yoga classes at the
Like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again ✨🌙
#cyclicalbeing #feminineenergy