Theresa Byrnes

My 37-year, multi-disciplinary career as a painter, performance artist, writer and activist is led by the action of painting. I demystify freedom, harnessing it in its purest state, in the mistake, entering it (the mistake) brings me to new ways of seeing. Born 1969 in Australia and moved to New York City in 2000. In 1989 (at 20) I was accepted into an Aboriginal community, Yirrkala in remote Arnhem Land, Australia. My painting and performance work explores our human relationship with nature, the macrocosm and the microcosm of life from conception to decay. In 2016 I married the force of nature and (the force of) painting in my performance BRIDE. My performances are visceral contemplations and theatrical events based on my studio practice. In the studio I make paintings, and in performance, I am inside the painting process itself. As an eco-feminist and process artist, my work has become increasingly environmentally friendly.