Alexndros Tsonidis

Architect and Heritage Scientist

Alexandros Tsonidis studied Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and obtained a second-level joint master’s degree in Architecture, Landscape Archaeology from Sapienza, Federico II, NTUA, and the University of Coimbra. He was formerly a member of the survey and strategic planning team for the 'POLIS 2' program, an urban regeneration project for the ADDMA Municipal Agency of Athens. He has participated in various architectural competitions and research projects on diverse topics. His expertise in urban design focuses on enhancing and valorizing cultural heritage. Based in Athens, he co-founded the firm ATYP Architects in 2019. Through a deep understanding of the unique context of each project, they build a connection between architecture and human experience. This results in a seamless fusion of form and function tied to the architectural narrative embedded within, infusing every space with purpose and meaning. He is a member of Common Soil since 2024.