Justin Goolsby
Project Management Value Engineering Information Technology
Engi.Co LLC
Professional Summary
Engi.Co provides process improvement and equipment layout with Value Engineering. Root-Cause Analysis methods are used to identify issues in production. We understand the concept that processes are systems. Preventative maintenance is the goal. Countermeasures are implemented once issues are identified. Issues are carefully examined and documented for future reference. These methods serve as the foundation of consistency. A consistent system contributes to performance efficiency. During the observation of the system, tasks can be assigned to reach a common goal. Discovered issues will be communicated. Let us take on the challenge. Our team takes pride in being stakeholders in adaptive life cycles.
To be the customers' first choice for applying Innovative Continuous Improvement Strategies into processes that reduce waste and increase productivity by generating a systematic methodology into your operating structure. Creating an adaptive organization who's daily activities align with sustainability.
Develop suitable countermeasures for our customers' identified issues in volume output, labor time, manpower, and costs with the use of Root-Cause Analysis. Communicate observation results with stakeholders and clarify details pertaining to which investigation activities were conducted and what value will be added upon completion of the project closing phase. Coordinate group and individual tasks that support monitoring the progress of each implementation in comparison to the previous 30-60 days.