Online Flexibility Coach.
Joachim Hilderson - Jack Russo

Online Coaching
I help you reach your flexibility goals based on years of experience in the flexibility world. I myself started my flexibility journey late in life (around my 30th birthday) after an extensive background in bodybuilding (14-24) and later more integrated style strength training when I became a full time personal trainer in a private studio. Never doing a single stretch before the age of 30 came with a lot of struggles and hardship. The internet is a wild west of information which can be very hard to navigate through. What’s worth my time? How to start? What are good progression lines within exercises? What are good exercises? How about frequency and recovery which are so important? How do I prioritize my goals and put them in a balanced program? These questions kept me up for years. After much trial and error, studying, investing money and working with hundreds of students I have created an understanding of this world. Still growing every year.
Reach out!
I make custom programs based on your starting level. There’s options for long term and short term guidance with more or less intense coaching from my end, depending on how you want the experience to be.
You can send me an email or just a direct message on instagram for pricing and options.
Upcoming workshops
None for now!
If interested in any of the workshops listed above, reach out! Dates will be added on an ongoing basis!
Get Personal Training from me in Barcelona
If you find yourself in Barcelona. I am open for personal training sessions that are held in my home gym. We can do as many as you want while you're here.
Price: 110€ / hour
Fully Present Program
Sarah (my girlfriend) works as a psychologist and behavioural therapist. She has developed an online program that is targeted at enhancing your ‘psychological flexibility’ aka your ability to define what matters most to you and invest in these values by actively acting upon them. This will inevitably be paired with difficult internal experiences which you’ll learn to manage over the course of the program.
It’s a combination of video and audio material, reflective journalling and personal feedback from Sarah.
If interested, I’ll happily connect you to her :)