Game Developer🎮 Creative Director 🌟 Business Guy 🌍 Let's Level Up Together! 🚀

Jed Steen

Jed "HakJak" Steen
I'm an indie game developer on a mission to create new worlds with you! My background is in business management, marketing, analytics, military service, and game development. In 2018, I launched my solo-developed game, "Guts and Glory," which quickly achieved commercial success. Following this, I joined forces with the global publisher tinyBuild and established a dedicated team of 16 other professionals. Together, we crafted a new and original IP, "Pigeon Simulator." Unfortunately, the project did not see the light of day due to a massive round of budget cuts made by our parent company just before Christmas, 2023. This year, I am rebooting "HakJak" and returning to solo indie game development, with the goal of turning as many of these crazy ideas in my head into reality as fast as possible! However, I am always open to interesting opportunities and offers to create something new and exciting for gamers. Let's Level Up Together!
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