My Two Cents 💵 Sarah

Helping you gain a new perspective about money that brings purpose -not just freedom!

Have you ever wondered...
- Why you keep failing to "get your finances right" time after time? - What you should even do with your money (every "expert" seems to have their own opinion right?) - What the Bible really says about money (or if what it says about finances can even be practically applied today).. I've wondered the same thing so over 10 years ago I began to study what the Bible says about finances to find the answers - I know you will be as delighted and relieved to find them as I was! If you're ready for an adventure.... Start Here! 👇👇👇
Have you ever felt confused by what the Bible says about money? 

*cough* Because it says A Lot!!! 😭

Finding it all, pu
That’s right
I use the principle of the Levitical tithe to give a tenth of my income to my church
I use the principle of
Keep the main thing the main thing or you’ll accidentally make an idol of a good thing.