Oleg Astakhov

📲”Dance With Oleg” APP - iPhone ⬇️

📲”Dance With Oleg” APP - Android 🤖

💻DanceWithOleg.com - platform

PERSPECTiVE - Social Media Management

About Oleg Astakhov

YouTube - 1M followers

Facebook “Oleg Astakhov” - 2.6M

Facebook “Dance With Oleg” - 1.3M

Tik Tok - 950k followers

Instagram Oleg Astakhov - 1.6M

Instagram “Super Ballroom” - 950k

Pinterest - 23k

Super Ballroom Dance Studio

Beverly Hills Dance Studio

ViBE Studio & Creative Space

👇🏻PRESS 👇🏻

Facebook.com - Article about Oleg

Wiki - bio Oleg Astakhov

WikiAlpha - bio

Celebrity Mix

New York Weekly - article

Kivo Daily - article

Madison Graph - article

Big Brother TV Show - article

Benziga - article

Ritz Herald - article

Market Watch - article

Digital Journal - article

Nebraska News - article

FilmFreeway - article

Markets Herald - article

Digital Journal - article

Crunch Base - bio

Fancy Dancer Studio - article

Disrupt magazine - article

LA Weekly - article

Asia One - magazine

The American Reporter

LA Progressive - article

Good Men Project

Polish Magazina article