digital ronecanse art


Ray's editions
born with art of nature of human, live with loving it. streetartist from 2016 "stencil Artist" been in past up festival Berlin 2018. started NFT art from 2022 "1 of 1 " spent my life with working on coloring and bring alive old master from 15 centuries. believe that art need keep his own old-school full of soul of human in digital age. as an artist I have responsibility for next generations to provide the something to understand what Arts mean , right now working on Ray's editions that collection on foundation , the 1of1 pieces that Bring alive oldmasters from Hendrick , all pieces are cuz from 15 centuries and is Public domain for copyright law and respect for art community , is it true that NFTs are not just piece of image of art for sell . I believe the my collectors is my community and I have serious responsibility about them to help me in this journey for keeps real arts for next generations, also having fun in good way and enjoy the our lives together.
More details about Ray
i was traveler before Corona hitchhiking pecifc , spend my years for traveling around and live and learn they culture but I remember something anywhere was gone saw the language of Art was not change all of them came from human soul when I did came back cuz of Corona pandemic I spend rest of my travel 💰 buy a digital pen , and enough money to arrive home, started the digital painting then, but sadly my pen tablet was broken afew months before so I had to continue my journey so I did painted all of Ray's editions with my labtobs touch pad all of it in little touch pad , my whole life is NFt painting right now it turned to my life style, I'm working on my artworks with coloring technic and collage add some of my traveling pictures too. will update more of my daily Artist life on Instagram and tiktok