Strong Spirals Workshop
01.12.2024 - 14:15-17:45
"Are you looking for a new way to workout? Are you looking for more supple and strong movement? Are you tired of dull workouts and instead want to develop skills as you strenghten your body?"
Workshop Description
This workshop teaches the foundations of an innovative strength and movement practice, that is founded on the idea that functional strength must move through the body in self-reinforcing spirals.
We use heavy ropes and skillfully swing them in multi-dimensional loops around our body. The rope guides us and repatterns our known movement habits towards efficiently utilizing our skeletal and myofascial pathways.
I offer some theory on locomotion based on Spinal Engine Theory by Serge Graovetsky and Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers. I teach the way of the rope, add some useful calisthenics and finalize the material with a first training program on building skill, strength and efficiency in movement.
The movement skills and strength we acquire are highly functional and transfer into various athletic activities such as martial arts, dance, swimming, team sports, etc.
About Christos
Christos is a behavioral scientist and dancer. He is an experienced teacher and qualified researcher in multiple disciplines reaching from dance, movement and fitness to academic scientific methods. Driven by a vivid curiosity and deep love for learning, he is used to being a beginner again and again. He therefore carries the "Beginner's Mind" close to his heart and appreciates meeting people where they are.
Price & Registration
Price: 40€-80€ (sliding scale)
send an e-mail to
Limited spots availiable! Be quick ;)
Workshop Structure
14:15-15:45 - 1st Session
15:45-16:15 - break
16:15-17:45 - 2nd Session
The workshop takes 3h plus 1/2h break in between sessions. The greatest portion will be devoted to learning the new movements. During this time I will also offer some theory concerning the biomechanics of the movements. During the break you can use the time for a small snack and processing or integrate in self-study and ask for personal advice. At the end we will go through a first full workout with the ropes, a timer and some bomb music ;)
Language: I can switch between German and English
Q: Bin ich stark genug für die Ropes?
A: Zu Beginn benutzen wir leichtere Ropes, um die neuen Bewegungen zu übern. Ebenso bringe ich zum Workshop unterschiedliche Größen mit.
Q: Brauche ich mein eigenes Rope?
A: Zum Workshop bringe ich Ropes mit. Falls Du Dein Training selber fortführen möchtes, kannst Du mir ein Rope abkaufen.
Q: Was für Kleidung brauche ich für den Workshop?
A: Bring gemütliche Sportkleidung mit, die Dich warm hält und bei höher werdender Intensität abgelegt werden kann (Sweatshirt + T-Shirt). Wir trainieren barfuß, bring trotzdem auch ein paar warme Socken mit für die Zeit dazwischen.