Tia Simmons, BA, MSc, JD Candidate (3L)

Tia holds degrees in Political Science and Applied Economics from SNHU. She is a 3L student at Purdue Law, pursuing her JD, and is a member of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. She is employed by Bond Law Legal Group and sits on both the Parent Advisory Board for the ABC Coalition (PAB) and the prestigious Law Student Advisory Council (LSAC). She has a certification in Human Rights from Wassmuth Center and has completed the ECAD program at Berkley Judicial Institute. She also interned for the Office of Budget and Entitlement Policy at Cato Institute. She is a 2024 alum and 2025 Organizing and Advocacy Fellow, and the group leader/founder of Southern WV RESULTS. Tia lives with her husband and 3 children in Hurricane, WV. She is passionate about liberty, open markets, and a constitutionally-limited government. She enjoys helping others achieve financial freedom through bankruptcy and advocating for a permanent child allowance in her free time.

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RESULTS is a nonprofit grassroots advocacy and public policy lobbying organization and educational fund devoted to ending poverty in America
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at any of the following: TSimmons@bondlawlegal.com RESULTSSouthernWV@gmail.com tiasimmons1@student.purdueglobal.edu
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Lord Brougham, 1820
"To save that client, by all expedient means, to protect that client at all hazards and costs to all others, and among others to himself, is the highest and most unquestioned of his duties.
Law for the Common Good
"Law; an ordinance of reason for the common good, made by him who has care of the community." -- Thomas Aquinas, 1265
"'Serving is bringing someone to the light of justice, so the truth may stand for all to see."
Professional Debt Relief: Bankruptcy Petition Preparation Services
If you or someone you love is struggling with mounting debt, facing repossessions or foreclosure, I can help. Please don't wait, call 304-539-8262 for my professional debt relief services today. I charge a flat rate of $150 per petition with fast turnaround. Time is of the essence if you want to keep your property. Skilled in Chapters 7, 11, and 13. Visit me at www.facebook.com/bankruptcy.prep.now
Be Careful...
Law School Sharpens You... But Be Careful to Not Cut Those You Love.