Abydos Archaeology
Archaeological research & excavation at ancient Egypt’s most sacred site
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The Short Life & Many Afterlives of the Shunet el-Zebib at Abydos on YouTube
The Origins of Sacredness at Abydos - British Museum Publications
Archive Archaeology Report
Archaeology in the Time of Corona
The Basket Makers of al-Hagz
Letter from Abydos - The New Yorker
World Monuments Watch Abydos
The Thirstiest Kings Who Ever Lived
World's Oldest Beer Factory - BBC interview
World's Oldest Industrial-Scale Brewery in Egypt - Food & Wine
اكتشاف أقدم مصنع الجعة في العالم - القاهرة 24 (بالعربي)
Fábrica de Cerveza de 5.000 años en Egipto - W Radio entrevista (en español)
Preserving the Shunet el-Zebib - NYTimes
Domestication of the Donkey - PNAS
Early Egyptian Donkeys - NYTimes
Early Evidence for Human Sacrifice at Abydos - NYTimes
Ancient Abydos - Archaeology Magazine
Abydos Boats Discovery - NYTimes