Design / Events / Health For the greater good

Akasha Goods

About Me
I wear many hats. Currently, I am an event organizer, graphic designer, and teacher. I also have a passion for cooking and astrology, and I am dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a multidisciplinary creative person, I spent a decade working for tech giants in NYC. Now, I live in the countryside and am dedicated to helping small businesses thrive.
We love to nourish your bodies with our food!
A special thanks to those hands that helped us cross the bridge every da
Doing the final refinements on our menu over the next few days leading up to @_unison_fest_ 🌈 so excited to be apart of
🌿 The new Botanical’s Wellness site has arrived 🌿✨
So excited to have worked on this project a
We are excited to announce the 
💐 Spring Wellness Fair 🌿 
🌿Saturday, May 21st 🌞 & 🌛
Vendors, Workshops & Music 1pm - 7
Holiday candles are here! 🌲☃️🎁
We have four festive scents that come with or without locally harvested pine needles. The
If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, we suggest investigating the source of your anxiety, temporarily disconnectin