Alternative rap

Alex Basa & Co.

Who are we?
Alex Basa & Co. is a duo act spearheaded by Alex Basa (guitar, lyrics) and Cordele Glass (composition, production). Frankly, it's kinda hard to categorize us. I'm not sure if it's because our music is novel or if it's just a little niche. It's probably the latter. I guess if I were checking a box, it'd be "alternative rap." Our music is heavily inspired by blues rock, jazz, electronic, hip hop, and many other genres pioneered by people with a penchant for protest. Lyrically, the cadences are constructed to be conversational, and are best served when listening with intention, but no matter how you do it, thanks for listening at all. The best part about making art is creating things you love and having that love affirmed by others. We love making music. We hope you'll love what we've made.