Khia Gordon
Hey Guys, Khia here. So today I wanted to share my most recent big girl story.
As of today I am now my own boss, how you say??, well I started
Working from home on my phone. Honestly at first I was nervous, shy and scared that I was go be a failure but as I spoke with mentors and got to meet more people. It became a breeze and more easy. So let me start off by saying that becoming my own boss is the most scary/ exciting and life experiences mile stone in my life. With that being said I work with a hair and skin care company name Monat. Monat uses only natural ingredients with their products which gives your hair and skin a pop and push to shine. So far I am obsess. As of now all I really have to do is post on social media and put the products out there. For me being a black powerful young woman, I feel like these products would help all different people. With that being said I encourage other men and woman to purchases some of these products. I mean if it’s your first time I prefer a sample and build from there.💕🥰