Berenice Howard-Smith, Hello Lovely Design and Co

Get Gorgeous, a monthly newsletter with font and design advice to use in your business, see behind the scenes and explore quirky creative finds!
Released on the 1st of each month
Subscribe to Gorgeous
New on the blog are some design wins to help authors reduce the cost of printing a book on KDP. 

It's easy to get lost
It's going to be a warm one this week so my intention is to get up early to walk my dog and work in the mornings. 

Gorgeous is out today! Why should you read it? 
🔥Get your design done with a power hour offer
🔥3 Canva font pairings you
Love working on a trilogy as there’s the opportunity for creating a blended design that uses consistent styles and desig
Happy Monday! What are you up to for the rest of the week? 

Are you doing amazing things for clients, the planet, your
Happy Monday to you - this week, how do you eat an elephant?

. What are you doing this week for clients, your business