Dancing with Markers

Visual notetaking to make your meetings stick

So, you want to get started with #visualnotetaking but don't think you can even draw a straight line? We think you can.
Here's a look at the set-up for our #knowledgewall at today's @samhsagov Children, Youth and Young Adult #MentalHealth S
Looking to grow as a visual notetaker or add drawing skills to your facilitator toolkit? Visit the link in our bio and s
When conferences are visually captured, participants remember more information and messages live on past the event. Chec
To complete our transition into two brands, we've updated our DWM website! A new look and feel to compliment @makemeetin
A highlight this month was scribing 5 popup events as part of #BetterBus 🚌—the @metroforward campaign to promote new bus