Dr Paul Mercer

Independent Medical Consultant MBBS, Dip RACOG, FRACGP Clinical Lead and Consultant Dr Paul Mercer is an experienced GP who established Silky Oaks Medical Practice in 1987. As a generalist, Paul has developed skills in chronic disease care, addiction medicine, mental health care, palliative and aged care, and minor procedures. He has actively trained and mentored over 90 registrars during his career. Paul chairs an international NGO “Health Serve Australia”, and is active in the Queensland Doctor’s Health programme. He plays golf and enjoys AFL and cricket. He is married with three children and ten grandchildren. Paul is a member of Doctor’s for the Environment, the medical association for Prevention of war, Bayside Uniting Church and a member of the Theology on Tap Brisbane Team. He enjoys reading and plans to write in the future as he tries to slow down his clinical commitments. Consults: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday Book Appointment Now - https://healthengine.com.au/doc