Elenora J.

About Me / My testimony
I was born and raised in a Christian home and I guess always thought I was Christian. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at the age of 7,but only because I was told to. I never had actually had a relationship with Him though. Years went by and I still felt like something was missing. I prayed, I went to church, but still I felt empty. I was also going through a rough area of my life. Last summer (2023) , I went to camp , like I do every year. Something was different this year , maybe it was because I was older or because I was so desperate for something to change. So that week, I rededicated my life to Christ. After that week ,I started reading my Bible every day . I felt so different! I felt alive and new . I was filled with joy! I’ve now grown closer with the Lord and He has shown me that He will never give up on anyone. He is always working in your life , whether you know it or not. Praise Jesus!