Emily Nicole Green

NYC-based singer-songwriter about to release singles off her debut EP: Outrunning The Animal The sound for this first group of songs lives somewhere in the liminal space between Americana, indie folk, soul, and jazz. That said, I don't write with genre in mind. So I'd much prefer you tell me what you hear and, most importantly, how these songs make you feel. Making music for me is all about speaking from the parts of myself that do all of the feeling. My highest hope is that my music resonates with people; that listening offers them access to the feeling parts of themselves; that my songs offer a recognition of our shared emotional interiority, suggesting that perhaps we are less alone than we think To me, music is a conversation that passes between bodies and speaks directly to emotions. No middle man. Music shines its light on the parts of us that we've long tried to keep out of open air, the parts we've tried to bury, and whispers to them: "you belong here".