Coach BB

🌟 Expert Wellness Weaver 🌟 Your Emotional well- being MATTERS!♥️ When your heart is in pain or feels lonely, every aspect of your life is impacted by its effects. 🇧🇷 role pra ⬇️

Hi, love!
I am dedicated to guiding high achievers to up level their relationships. 💖 My clients move from being stuck and surviving in a half-life to thriving in a fulfilling life - one they are proud of. The difficulty in connecting to others can be caused by various factors such as unresolved emotional issues, overwhelm, past traumas, self-limiting beliefs, societal expectations, or a disconnect from one's own desires and needs. The inability to fully connect often leads to feelings of lack of support, loneliness, or even isolation. Let's redefine the narrative of your life with love, flexibility, and a sprinkle of magic! 💫 If you are navigating emotional challenges or feelings of overwhelm, reach out to me before taking any further steps. Many times, doing less takes you further. Working hard and not being able to enjoy the success is heartbreaking. My coaching is designed to help leaders and entrepreneurial souls to enhance the way they do relationships by tapping into the inherent power contained within us. I am a Nurse as well as a Trauma Aware Transformational Coach, Master Hypnotherapist, Quantum Time Release & Quantum Change Process practitioner at the highest level. I speak directly to your SUBCONSCIOUS to override Limiting Beliefs and I guide you through Timeline Healing. All my methods are rooted in science and have decades of proven track records. With over 200 satisfied clients, I’m extremely happy to offer you my services. Book your call now!
Olá, querida!
Atendendo a pedidos, agora também ofereço meus serviços em português. Você agora pode fazer TOP coaching na sua língua! Eu sou uma coach transformacional e mestre hipnoterapeuta dedicada a capacitar as mulheres a abraçar o prazer, descobrir a alegria em meio ao caos e promover o sucesso em seus relacionamentos. 💖 Uma desconexão do prazer muitas vezes leva a sentimentos de um coração ferido ou isolado. Vamos redefinir a narrativa da sua vida com amor, flexibilidade e uma pitada de magia! 💫 Se você estiver navegando por desafios conjugais ou de relacionamento, entre em contato comigo antes de tomar quaisquer outras medidas. Meu foco é projetado para ajudar as mulheres a aprimorar seus relacionamentos, aproveitando o poder inerente dentro de nós. Todos os meus métodos estão enraizados na ciência e têm um histórico comprovado de sucesso ao longo de décadas. Não estamos destinados a passar pela vida sozinhas. No Follow Your Path Coaching, acreditamos que as conexões são Divinas. Seja parte da nossa aldeia. Receba muito amor no seu 📥. . Inscreva-se na nossa lista de e-mail no final da página.
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