Hydir Idris

🎤Singer, songwriter, producer, vocal coach🇸🇬

Top 5 on Anugerah 2009 by Mediacorp Suria Top 40 on The Final 1 by Mediacorp Channel 5 APM Nominee for ‘Most Popular Song’, Singapore 2nd most aired song ‘Marah Aku’ on RIA 89.7FM Formerly managed by Hikayat Records, Malaysia Formerly managed by Gumbira, Singapore LASALLE College of the Arts BA(Hons) Music graduate in Contemporary/Popular Vocal Performance, certification of Goldsmith, University of London Vocal coached by SG Idol Coach, Babes Conde Mentored by Emmy nominated composer, producer-engineer Dr. Joseph Curiale in performance, music production project and music business Certified Vocal Coach: Completed The Vocal Studio 'Holistic Vocal Coaching' 20 hours Training Program(Vocal anatomy and health, Psychology of music, Pedagogy, Music Theory, Performance) NIE Certified Arts Educator: Completed 40-hours course ‘Essentials of Teaching and Learning’