Food Catering Service
Our mission is to offer meals outside of our customers recurring lunch menu; making lunchtime a lot more interesting and appetizing.
Customer Promotions
*One free lunch every Friday to 1 loyal customer.
*Free complimentary drink to the first (5) Customers to place an order on the last Friday of each month.
*Complimentary it'sfridaylunchtime T-Shirts!
*Complimentary it'sfridaylunchtime Stickers for Vehicles, Windows, Laptops, etc.
*Referral Reward - Free Lunch to customers who can get (3) or more potential customers to order lunch on any given Friday!
*Birthday Reward - Complimentary Drink for customers celebrating their Birthday on or in the same week the lunch is held!
Operating Days
Every Friday!
Delivery Service
Delivery available for persons in the Grenville area.