Zihan (Joey) Zhao

Aspiring junior undergrad from the School of Economics, Peking University.

About Me
I am majoring in Finance and have a genuine passion for early stage investment and everything that happens in the medical field. Peking Opera is a form of art that I have been learning for over 15 years and you probably wanna be my audience. I also like snowboarding and playing Texas Hold’em, not a pro but for fun. Almost forgot, Volleyball is my life sport. I used to be a semiprofessional athlete, and now is the captain of Men’s Volleyball Team of Peking University. We just won the tournament last semester!
I am an estj person! Workaholic, but funny. Outgoing, but actually kind of a loner. Full of peace ✌️, but have my own attitude!
What’s New
The projects that I am currently working on
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You can find me through we-chat: j-zin1012. Alternatively, you can leave your info here and I will get back to you soon.