I Design Portals

Katreni Maticce

Gene Keys Ambassador ◊ Human Design Consultant ◊ Somatic-Touch-Movement Practice
Онлайн-сессии и чтения, ретриты и телесная практика. Online sessions to create more clarity, inspiration and breakthroughs. Gene Keys : Gene Keys profile sessions ignite actual life requests into the alchemical path to core stability, core wound and prosperity. ‘Moving_Genes’ is my contemplative practice and a living library. As a recording or a session: we move with a gene keys spectrum of consciousness (shadow - gift- siddhi) and realize frequencies are not words and they unfold as a living body. . Human Design : I offer in depth Human Design readings as initiation into the inner truth and a no-fault being. Gaining perspective on the collective change and 2027 shift - transmutes our nesting within mundane. Your Bodygraph carries practical and experiential navigation. It is about decision making and aligning physical form. It enables personality awakening process of surrender to the form principle, becoming intimate with your mind, as well as communing with others. . Join me: Hosting Russian Open calls and international Gene keys clubhouse weekly. I have a YouTube channel, currently only for russian speaking community. During the year I gather experiential small group containers to deep dive. As well as nature retreats. > In my offline time I offer somatic sessions, using touch and movement, inspired by embryogenesis. You may invite me to facilitate practice, empower or guide. I synchronize and design precise portals. .