Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Student Center
University of Hawai’i at Hilo
Kīpuka strives to mimic the process of cycles of transformation found in our natural environment which we rely on to guide our philosophy of support while students experience transformative moments in higher education. We aim to provide students with the tools to support their success during their time at UH Hilo.
Our Vision
The Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Student Center's vision is to ensure a Hawaiian place of learning at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. Much like a kīpuka in the natural environment where native plants are protected and nurtured, Kīpuka NHSC embodies that same idea for our Native Hawaiian students on campus. Kīpuka promotes Native Hawaiian student success through the provision of culturally appropriate and responsive student support services and activities; supports the academic development and success of Native Hawaiians by promoting learning environments that are culturally responsive and appropriate; and implements community and cultural programs to increase educational opportunities for Native Hawaiians within Hawaiian and Pacific communities.