Hi! My name is Bonnie.

Learning all things finance together!
I did not grow up in a financially stable household. I learned by doing the opposite of what I saw, which kept me somewhat financially stable. However, I became passionate about learning all things finance so I could teach my children how money works, how to make money work for them, and how to be as self-sufficient as possible. This passion eventually grew into wanting to encourage others as well. LemmikkiWealth.com was inspired to document what I’m learning for my children and anyone else who may find value in it. Please visit any of my links often for new or updated information. I am not a financial advisor. I make plenty of mistakes. I’m a work in progress and will continue to be as I learn more and more. I am continuously learning and passionate about teaching others what I’ve learned. Let's learn together so we can live our best lives and spread our wings to help others do the same.