Lisa Quigley, The Glitch Witch
👽Conscious Contact Guide. Quantum Hypnotist. Galactic Timeline Reader.🌈 🛸 Glitch the system by taking action on your visionary dreams.🧬

🛸U.F.O. 🛸 Telegram Channels ONLY | $22 | Access Expires 3/11
Sign Up Here For DENSITY SHIFT | FREE WORKSHOP Replay | For When You Start a New Creative Project and It's Way Freaking Harder Than You Thought

THE GLITCH WITCH, an intergalactic transmission⚡️ (Subscribe to my newsletter!))

🌟STAR WALKER🌟 an experiential for visionaries here to LEAD in a NEW way | $44

GALACTIC TIMELINES READING | $111 | explore your karmic themes, soul gifts, and star lineage | Understand your EARTH MISSION & how you're being asked to TAKE ACTION

IMAGINAL CELLS ACTIVATION🦋| $111 | Commune with your dreams & desires in real time with me as your guide through the imaginal realm of your soul's blueprint—GREAT FOR CLARITY | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | blend of psychism & hypnosis

HYPNOTIC HABIT SPELLWORK | Hypnosis to clear old-timeline habits, embed new-timeline habits. | $111 | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | TIMELINE JUMP THROUGH DAILY ACTION.
QUANTUM HYPNOSIS 1 MONTH PACKAGE | 1 Prep Call, 1 Quantum Hypnosis Session, 1 Processing Session | $400 | Deep timeline healing and guidance or the Future Earth Leader who desires more clarity on how they're here to take action

⚡️ELECTRIC PORTALS: A free 7-day email course for rewilding your creativity.⚡️

My Website

Multidimentional Readings: A holographic blend of psychism, hypnosis, and energy work to attune your frequency to the resonance of your desired timeline.

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QUANTUM HYPNOSIS 3 MONTH MENTORSHIP | Extended mentorship, timeline alignment, and deep processing | $1,200 | See booking link for details
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