重燃起初的爱心 Love Rekindled

女高音独唱陈卓莹将联合马来西亚作曲家与指挥郑联晨在诗巫和八打灵再也举办『重燃起初的爱心』独唱音乐会与新作品发表会。音乐会将呈现郑联晨近年创作的独唱圣乐作品,包括《谁能使我们与神的爱隔绝?》、《诗篇二十三》、《Mass In Isolation》、《不住的歌唱》、和《我事奉永活救主》,并首演他全新创作的《诗篇九十一》。首首作品都诠释了现代人的心境与处境和对上帝话语更新的体悟。欢迎您购票参与这场音乐盛宴!
Soprano solo Esther Ting will be joining forces with Malaysian composer and conductor Caeleb Tee for "Love Rekindled" Sacred Music Recital and World Premier of New Work in Sibu and Petaling Jaya. The concert will feature solo sacred music composed by Caeleb Tee in recent years, including Who Can Separate Us from The Love Of God?, Psalm 23, Mass In Isolation, He Keeps Me Singing, and I Serve the Risen Savior, as well as the premiere of Psalm 91. Each piece illustrates the state of mind and situation of modern people and the renewed realization of God's Word. Purchase tickets to join in the concert now!