Michael Harvey Koplitz

From this website, you can find all of my biblical research and writings. Mike is an ordained Messianic Jewish Rabbi, ordained Christian pastor & preacher with over 25 years of experience and several degrees.

My mission from the LORD
The search for the original meaning of Scripture and Yeshua's (Jesus') true message. God does not change. Rather, our knowledge and understanding of God changes. (Michael H. Koplitz 10/2023) If I provoked you to think about what I said or wrote then I am performing my calling from the LORD. (Michael H. Koplitz 05/2024)
Followers of the Way Ministry Research is the biblical and theological work of:
Michael Harvey Koplitz Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Ministry Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church Ordained Messianic Rabbi in the WMEK Messianic Jewish Association