Michael Macias, MD
Emergency Department Assistant Medical Director - Community Global POCUS Director. Expertise in clinical ultrasound workflow, digital education, and Design in healthcare.
Check out some of my projects!
You can contact me using the link below to inquire about consulting, courses, or speaking opportunities! 👇
🎙Speaking topics
👉 Evidence Based POCUS Education
- Essential Applications
- Advanced Applications
- Resuscitative POCUS
- Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access
- Regional Anesthesia in the ED
👉 Emergency Cardiology
- Cardiology Pitfalls To Avoid
- Modern PE Management
- Owning the EKG!
- aVR: The Forgotten Lead
- Subtle Ischemia
- ECG Polyuria
- Occlusion Myocardial Infarction
👉 POCUS Program Management
- Trends in POCUS Workflow
- Starting an Ultrasound Program
- POCUS Program Management 101
- Being A POCUS Director in the Community
👉 Design Thinking in Health Care
- Building Empathy for the End User
- Workshops in the Design Process
- Changing Behavior Through Design
- Creating A Multidisciplinary Pulmonary Embolism Team
- Improving Care of Difficult IV Access Patients with A Vascular Access Team