Nicole Yershon

I spend my life turning disruption to advantage in my life and for my clients!

A Bit About Me
Being asked what I do is always a difficult question for me. My reaction is to ask more questions and get to understand them and why they want to know. I’m not being difficult I just know that what I do is so broad they wouldn’t get it. Try telling someone you’re an expert generalist. They very likely will not understand. I am a convener of capability and talent. I’m a collaborator. I love to build and work with teams to make the impossible happen. I often get brought in when the impossible hasn’t happened. It’s usually because people have not been courageous enough to ignore the barriers and just get it done. I am a doer. I like to ship. I get things done but I need a clear brief. And then I want everyone to step out of the way to just let me get on with it. If they don’t have a clear brief I will help them create one. I occasionally speak at events. I seek out people and places before almost everyone else. I’ve written an Amazon bestseller about this subject. We live with disruption. It’s defined my entire life. I’ve become a disruptor and I turn that disruption to the advantage of my clients.