Philip Attar

Co-founder: Academy of Living Intelligence™

🧬 Living Immersion Method™
This is NOT cognitive therapy or mindset coaching. This is NOT dysregulating breathwork. I do NOT support dependency on plant medicines, microdosing or nootropics. I do NOT offer illusionary manifestation teachings. This is is a deep somatic surrendering into a neurogenesis one consciousness electromagnetic state, so you can merge with the DNA intelligence of your suppressed blocks and unlock your highest potential.
Private 1:1 Testimonial
"Throw away any ideas of what meditation or therapy might be. Throw away any sense of expectation. Understand that you are doing something quite daunting in recalibrating how you actually live. If you do that, the joys you can experience in this are unprecedented and unlimited. Be prepared to cry a lot."
 — Selema Masekela / Sports Media Personality, Entrepreneur
“We are accessing something so true, so eternal, and finally in a way where it is not just glimpsed, but embodied and radiated in a sustainable way…” Lisa B. / Executive Embodiment Coach
"This method changes you from the inside out, you become the highest, purest version of yourself. You learn to laugh in the face of anything that you no longer resonate with. You tap into your own power, there is no denying how much you can change, that the people around you may not recognize you or want to know the real new you. You are confident, you have no fear, and you are real but so not real anymore. This method changes your relationship with self, loved ones, social status, and all aspects of your existence, all without ego. You realize the things and patterns of your former self that have had you bound, all restricting your movement and voice, these things have no hold over you anymore." — Mina R. / Global Financial Risk Advisor
"My experience so far / since starting gamma is that I am just 'on', I walk, talk, (inter-) act, feel and am 'different'… from one day to the next I emerged to the hyper version of myself. I’m able to go so deep into the gamma breathing sessions that sometimes I’m so full of love and gratefulness I had tears in my eyes I felt that moved, and then I’m just 'on' doing what needs to get done to move forward. In the past week, there were two situations that in the past would have caused a total setback, now I owned it and the end result turned into a super success. Totally let go of the friction, furthermore, specifically in my family relations, I not only understand but clearly see the pattern. I’m just feeling wow... like a walking breathing field of energy… and it ignites/inspires the people around me... — Nathalie P. / CFO/Advertising Exec./Entrepreneur
"...The kinesthetic was there today. My body felt as if it was breaking apart and dissolving into the earth. Throughout all the elements I felt as though I were back in my mother's womb I felt her love for me — I was being called into the womb of love. Even the water, I was not in the ocean I was in a heated, buoyant saltwater pool.

Throughout all the elements I felt and watched myself glide. I saw so many of my life experiences, hard ones, experiences that I used to wonder "why me?"

I now saw these experiences as gifts. Have I ever lived life?
I felt the beauty of all of my life experiences, the good and the bad. An abundance. Intimacy. Revealing. By the end of the session, my body felt electric. You will not find a better source or program, you will gain more than you can imagine. I have taken many a course, with many different teachers, including an executive coach for 15 years. I’ve gained more from this workshop than anything else I’ve done. Game changer as you walk away with a process that will open your heart to receive and give the love we are born with, learn to deal with any trauma and free your mind to creativity we all need more of. ” 
 — Gayle D. / 8-fig Tech Entrepreneur
“These meditations have changed my life - they're so special in the space/vibration they create & allow me to connect into - a frequency of absolute PRESENCE. There is infinite potential of creation in the present moment & you have no choice but to tune into it - there is so much power of self in the body & in this space. Our cellular selves have an infinite intelligence and tuning into this network through Philip's guidance, is incredibly powerful. Thank you, Philip, for being here in this world.” — Briar Rose / Actor/Stunt Performer
“I want to express my personal sincere gratitude towards this workshop. Everything is happening at such divine timing for me. I couldn’t possibly imagine this exists even I tried. First week SHB practice brought up a lot of shadow and previously supressed emotions for me. It was eye opening to witness. Second week, physical experiences were happening in my reality, where I manifested interactions that were deeply triggering for me. Continuing SHB seemed more challenging now. Third week was all about deep listening and follow the lily pads. I got the nudge to do an Ayauaska, which I knew almost nothing about. I listened and followed, to one of the most life changing night of my life. I woke up from the ceremony a different person, only to find the 4th workshop to be about inviting in life forth energy (which was the theme of the ayauaska ceremony) and allowing God to lead, and practice my free will to create. Which is exactly what I needed…!!! I’m speechless at this point. All my life I planned, I tried to control, cuz I’m a “powerful” human being! But man oh man how childish I was, completely unaware of what True power feels like, what Truth can do. Thank you thank you thank you. For Philip Attar Sue Bahnan leading this experience, and for everyone joining this journey. There is true power on the other side of surrender and allowing. I’m a firm believer now.” — Snow Gross / Alignment Coach
“These practices are leading me to a completely new place of being, and I have the peaceful sense that this will be most likely an endless journey rather than a destination. But over the past few weeks, I have experienced some of the most flowing and organic conversations with my kids and other key relationships, which have reinforced my intuitive conclusion that I am traveling down the right path, and moving towards a much more vibrant, clear, authentic/integrated spirited and potent, present experience. Thank you for coalescing your unique set of gifts, talents, and experiences to positively impact, and make a real difference in, people's lives. I recognize and appreciate, and that I am a beneficiary of, some of those key life decisions you have obviously made to impact others in such a profound way. Much love and appreciation.” Alan M. / 8-fig Music Industry Entrepreneur