Online Course “”
Attention = Energy... Controlling Our Attention, we become the master of our Life. A very simple and effective way. We return our energy to ourselves through 7 points of Attention
Online Course “”
(Описание на русском языке в самом низу ⬇️ по ссылке «онлайн - курс «Жива Я»»)
Online course Relaxed Me. Help you get back to balance…
1. Very simple tasks every 2 days for 15 days. Transmitted by voice or text or video message.
2. General chat in the telegram channel, direct communication with the Master Angel Or every day throughout the course.
3. Working with Attention. Collecting Attention on 7 points. Attention = Energy.
4. Working out desires for the new moon.
5. Personal communication with the Master.
6. Brief analysis of personality in Human Design and Astromechanics.
7. We analyze one desire and create a funnel for its realization.
8. At the end of the course, the general practice of "Unity" to strengthen each other and balance on the planet.
Bonus : breathing practice to align the breath from the Apsara dance . What helps to build a balance and become the mistress of your reactions and events in life.
הִשׁתַתְפוּת/ участие
אני נותנת השראה, משנה חיים, מחזירה חיים לגוף, מלמדת איך לשלוט בריכוז, עוזרת לך לרפא את עצמך... תודה🙏/Вдохновляю