Tianna Blackboot

Scholar. Storyteller. Pirate.
THE PIRATE HORDE Book one of The Pirates of the Whimsical Winds A Kindle exclusive ebook. Print available from multiple retailers Coming Oct. 26, 2022
The Pirates of the Whimsical Winds
Pirates. Politics. A Girl Just Trying To Survive The world I had always know was never a peaceful one, but I had no idea how fragile my little haven was. Pirates, marauders, and all manner of power-mad villain plagues the isles. But they are far from the worst thing out here. A war I didn't even know what going on is threatening everything I hold dear, and somehow, I need to stop it. Or join it. Or... I don't know. I'll figure something out. The Pirates of the Whimsical Winds is the first trilogy in the Saga of Arret. Discover a world on the edge of war, and a girl who doesn’t really know what that means until she’s in the thick of it. The adventure begins October 26, 2022