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About Us.
Talk, founded in January 2024, has quickly become one of the largest and fastest-growing media entertainment platforms worldwide, boasting significant engagement and views relative to its size. Owned and founded by T&S Media Co., Talk provides a wide range of content, including entertainment, pop culture, memes, motivation, knowledge, business, facts, and more upcoming niches.
Is Talk open to promotions or advertising?
Yes, Talk is currently open for advertising or promoting businesses or groups. Since its establishment in 2024, our engagement rate has reached an impressive 1600%, with a corresponding reach of 2200%. This success from day one (Since January) is attributed to our team's expertise in SEO and creative marketing. We are confident that we can elevate your business idea to new heights.
Can you share your video clip or photo to us?
Yes, you can share it with us by emailing it or sending it to our main page on Instagram. You will be credited or your business or page will be advertised for free. The email and Instagram buttons are located at the bottom of our website.
Any concerns about the content?
If you have any concerns (credits, removal, origin, etc.) about the content, you can contact us by emailing or sending a message to our main page on Instagram. The email and Instagram buttons are located at the bottom of our website.
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